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Supported field types

Rowy supports over 30 field types. The data types match the types supported by Firestore.


NameDescriptionData Type
Short TextText displayed on a single line.string
Long TextText displayed on multiple lines.string
Rich TextHTML edited with a rich text editor.string
EmailEmail address. Not validated.string
PhonePhone number stored as text. Not validated.string
URLWeb address. Not validated.string


NameDescriptionData Type
Single SelectSingle value from predefined options. Options are searchable and users can optionally input custom values.string | null
Multi SelectMultiple values from predefined options. Options are searchable and users can optionally input custom values.string[]


NameDescriptionData Type
NumberNumeric value.number
ToggleTrue/false value. Default: false.boolean
PercentagePercentage stored as a number between 0 and 1.number
RatingRating displayed as stars. Max stars is configurable, default: 5 stars.number
SliderNumeric value edited with a Slider. Range is configurable.number
ColorColor stored as Hex, RGB, and HSV. Edited with a visual picker.Color
Geo Point
Geo Point stored as latitude and longitude.GeoPoint

Date & Time

NameDescriptionData Type
DateFormatted date. Format is configurable, default: yyyy-MM-dd. Edited with a visual picker.Timestamp
Date & TimeFormatted date & time. Format is configurable, default: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm. Edited with a visual picker.Timestamp
Duration calculated from two timestamps.
  start: Timestamp,
  end: Timestamp


NameDescriptionData Type
ImageImage file uploaded to Firebase Storage. Supports JPEG, PNG, SVG, GIF, WebP, AVIF, JPEG XL.
  downloadURL: string;
  lastModifiedTS: number;
  name: string;
  ref: string;
  type: string;
FileFile uploaded to Firebase Storage. Supports any file type.
  downloadURL: string;
  lastModifiedTS: number;
  name: string;
  ref: string;
  type: string;


NameDescriptionData Type
Sub TableConnects to a sub-table in the current row. Also displays number of rows inside the sub-table. Max sub-table depth: 100.N/A. No data is stored in the document field.
Connect Table
Connects to an existing table to fetch a snapshot of values from a row. Requires Algolia setup. See guide
  docPath: string;
    Record<string, any>;
Connect Service
Connects to an external web service to fetch a list of results.
  docPath: string;
    Record<string, any>;
ConnectorConnector columns allow you to excute any backend code and return a list of options to your user. See further information in Field Types menu.Connector
ReferenceReferences a Firebase document.Firestore


NameDescriptionData Type
JSONObject edited with a visual JSON editor.object
CodeRaw code edited with the Monaco Editor.string
MarkdownMarkdown text with an integrated Markdown text preview.string

Cloud Function

NameDescriptionData Type
ActionButton with pre-defined action script or triggers a Cloud Function. Optionally supports Undo and Redo.any
DerivativeValue derived from the rest of the row’s values. Displayed using any other field type. Requires Cloud Function setup. See guideany
StatusDisplays field value as custom status text. Read-only.any


Audit fields are automatically written when users create or update rows and auditing is enabled in the table.

By default, auditing is enabled and the fields are _createdBy and _updatedBy. The Created At and Updated At fields access _createdBy.timestamp and _updatedBy.timestamp respectively.

NameDescriptionData Type
Created ByDisplays the user that created the row and timestamp. Read-only.
  displayName: string;
  email: string;
  emailVerified: boolean;
  isAnonymous: boolean;
  photoURL: string;
  uid: string;
  timestamp: Timestamp;
Updated ByDisplays the user that last updated the row, timestamp, and updated field key. Read-only.
  displayName: string;
  email: string;
  emailVerified: boolean;
  isAnonymous: boolean;
  photoURL: string;
  uid: string;
  timestamp: Timestamp;
  updatedField?: string;
Created AtDisplays the timestamp of when the row was created. Read-only.Timestamp
Updated AtDisplays the timestamp of the last update to the row. Read-only.Timestamp


NameDescriptionData Type
UserUser information and optionally, timestamp. Read-only.
  displayName: string;
  email: string;
  emailVerified: boolean;
  isAnonymous: boolean;
  photoURL: string;
  uid: string;
  timestamp?: Timestamp;
IDDisplays the row’s ID. Read-only. Cannot be sorted.string