Connector columns allow you to excute any backend code and return a list of options to your user. The options could be static list, list of documents from a collection, or a list of documents from a query to third party API.
Video demo
- Connector Function: the function that will be executed to get the list of options.
- id: unique identifier field key name to be used to track the user's selection of the listed items
- label: can be field key name or handlebar template to be used to render the label of the listed items
Basic Example
Following is an example of a connector function that returns a static list of items:
const connector: Connector = async ({ query, row, user }) => {
const items = [
{ id: "a", word: "apple", emoji: "🍎" },
{ id: "b", word: "banana", emoji: "🍌"},
{ id: "c", word: "cherry", emoji: "🍒"},
// ... etc
return items.filter((i) =>
export default connector;
- ID:
- Label Formatter:
{{emoji}} {{word}}
Connect to a Firestore Collection
Following is an example of a connector function that connects to a firestore:
const connectorFn: Connector = async ({db,query}) => {
const collectionRef = db.collection("users").limit(5); // specify collection to connected & max results
const queryField = "fullName"; // firestore field to be filtered by the input text
const resultsFormatter = (doc) => ({ id:, snapshot: }); // the shape of the returned data
if (query === "") return (await collectionRef.get());
const end = query.replace(/.$/, (c) => String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) + 1));
const queryResults = await collectionRef
.where(queryField, ">=", query)
.where(queryField, "<", end)
export default connectorFn;
- ID:
- Label Formatter:
Connect to an External API
Following is an example of a connector function that connects to an external BoardGames Atlas API:
const connector: Connector = async ({ query, row, user, logging }) => {
logging.log("connector started");
const response = await fetch(`${query}&client_id=JLBr5npPhV`)
const {games} = await response.json()
return games
export default connector;
- ID:
- Label Formatter:
Connecting to your MeiliSearch Instance
Following is an example of a connector function that connects to your MeiliSearch instance:
const connectorFn: Connector = async ({ query, row, user }) => {
const index = "users";
const meilisearch = await rowy.secrets.get("meilisearch");
const { host, apiKey } = meilisearch;
const resp = await fetch(`${host}/indexes/${index}/search`, {
body: JSON.stringify({ q: query }),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}`,
method: "POST",
const data = await resp.json();
return data.hits;
export default connectorFn;
- ID:
- Label Formatter:
{{firstName}} {{lastName}}