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Dynamically generate images

Build your own Spotify Wrapped for your app. Go from a Figma design exported as SVG to auto generated images injected with your user's data. This can be great tool for creating engagement for your app on social media, image sharable user images such as Spotify wrapped, wordle scorecard, strava stats etc. With Rowy, you can build this in just 10 minutes.

What you’ll need

  • If you don't have a Rowy account, create one first and then create a new project.
  • Create a table containing the user data to be injected into the image template. This can be simple like this demo table.
  • Design an image template in Figma, like this: Wordgame Wrapped template

Step 1: Export and test the SVG

We’re using SVG because it encodes designs in plain text, and that can be really easily manipulated to add the user’s data.

Export your template as an SVG, making sure to de-select Outline Text so we can edit the text later. If you have text that stays static, right-click the text layer and click Outline stroke. This means we won’t have to worry about finding the fonts for those layers later.

Figma export SVG window

Open the SVG file in a browser. We’ll be using Puppeteer, which runs a headless version of Chrome, to render the SVG later, so a browser can accurately preview how it will look.

SVG template opened in browser with fallback fonts

Your design likely uses custom fonts, so we’ll need to display them correctly. Since we’re using a browser to render this and SVG supports CSS, we can use web fonts. Open your SVG in a text editor like VS Code.

This design uses Archivo from Google Fonts, so we can copy the code snippet they provide. Add it to the SVG file, right after the opening <svg ... > tag.

Google Fonts export screenshot

You’ll need to modify the URL to remove everything after the & character to make it display:

@import url("");

Here’s how it looks with all the fonts available:

SVG template opened in browser with correct fonts

Step 2: Add variables to the SVG

We’re going to do a basic string replacement to inject user data into the design. Let’s change the text now to make it easier to find and replace later.

In your text editor, find the 0.01% text and replace it with your variable’s name. I’m using a double curly brace syntax common in email templates: {{percentile}}.

When you reload the SVG in your browser, you should see it appear.

SVG template with misaligned text

It looks like our text is misaligned. We want it to be centered right in the middle of the screen. SVG has a [text-anchor attribute]( that does this. Let’s add the attribute text-anchor="middle" to that text element we just edited.

SVG template with misaligned text

That still doesn’t look aligned correctly. It looks like it’s being centered from the point where the left edge of the 0 character was before. We need to get the midpoint of the text element.

Annotated screenshot showing correct alignment of text and associated coordinates

Let’s go back to Figma and get the coordinates. To get the midpoint, we need to add half the width (368 / 2) to the X coordinate (357). So the correct anchor point is X = 541. Let’s edit the x=" … " attribute in the corresponding tspan element with this value.

Now that it’s aligned, we need to do the same for the rest of the variables.

We should also edit the bars’ width attributes so we can change them based on the actual data: <rect x="125" y="398" width="{{guessWidth1}}”

SVG template with aligned replaceable text

The SVG will look a bit odd in your browser, so you can close the tab. Make sure you save your SVG file!

Step 3: Create a derivative column

Back in your Rowy table, add a new Derivative column. This field type runs a cloud function that you write whenever specific fields in a row are updated. We can use this to generate a new image when the stats change.

Set the Listener fields to the fields that contain the data we want in the image. And set the Output field type to Image to be displayed as a thumbnail in the table.

Screenshot of Derivative column settings for Listener fields and Output field type

In the Derivative script, we’ll write some JavaScript code. This will be run in an async function using Node.js when it’s deployed. Let’s store the SVG code in a string variable:

const source = `<svg

Then, we can create a new string, replacing the placeholders we added in the previous step with the row’s data. This is available in the row object, with each field key being a property of that object.

const replaced = source
.replace("{{percentile}}", `${row.percentile.toFixed(2)}%`)
.replace("{{streak}}", row.streak.toString());

Repeat this for all of the variables. Make sure to convert any numbers to strings to prevent errors.

We can then perform the calculations for the bar widths. These will be proportional to the largest number in the data set of guess distributions. Here are the calculations:

const maxGuess = Math.max(


// 846 is the max width of the bar, based on the Figma design
.replace("{{guessWidth1}}", (row.guessDistribution1 / maxGuess * 846).toString())

Step 4: Generate and upload the image

Next, let’s convert this to an image. We’re using the [convert-svg-to-png]( NPM package, which uses Puppeteer.

const { convert } = require("convert-svg-to-png");


const image = await convert(Buffer.from(replaced));

It returns a PNG as a buffer, stored in the image constant. We can then upload this to Firebase Storage using this code:

const bucket = storage.bucket();
const fileName = `${}.png`;
const file = bucket.file(`dynamicImages/${}/generated/${fileName}`);
const uuid = require("uuid");
const token = uuid.v4();
await, {
metadata: {
contentType: "image/png",
metadata: { firebaseStorageDownloadTokens: token },

Then, let’s store the URL to that image as the value of the derivative field in the row. This allows Rowy to display a thumbnail.

return [
downloadURL: `${
name: fileName,
type: "image/png",
lastModifiedTS: new Date(),

export default derivative;

Our derivative script is complete! Click the Update button, then click Deploy in the following popup. (It may take a second or two to appear.)

Screenshot of Derivative field deploy modal

Step 5: Increase RAM allocation

Next, we’ll need to increase the RAM allocation for the cloud function we just deployed. By default, it’s set to 256 MB, but this isn’t enough to run Chromium.

Open the Google Cloud Console to the Cloud Functions page and find the function you just deployed it should start with R- and match the collection name of the table. Go to that function’s page.

On the top of the screen, click Edit.

Screenshot of Google Cloud Console UI

Scroll down to Runtime, build, connections and security settings and expand the section.

Increase the Memory allocated to at least 1 GB.

Screenshot of Google Cloud Console UI

Click Next at the bottom of the screen.

Screenshot of Google Cloud Console UI

Then, you’ll see the code that’s deployed in your cloud function. When you deploy any function on Rowy, it will be in your Google Cloud or Firebase project, so you have full access and flexibility.

Click Deploy at the bottom of the screen and wait until it’s done. It should take less than five minutes.

Screenshot of Google Cloud Console UI

Once it’s done, your cloud function will generate images based on data in the row!


Here’s a demo table that runs the same cloud function above. When you click Add row, it generates random numbers to populate the row. It then generates an image with a random color scheme.

Open in a new tab