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Add a field type

If one of the 30+ field types don’t support your data type or you want to provide an alternate UI to edit your data, you can add a field type by writing your own code.

Step 1: Declare your new field type and set up the config

  1. Add a new entry to the FieldType enum in src/constants/fields.ts. The all-caps SNAKE_CASE name will be the internal name used in the table schema to identify this field type.
  2. Set up the code for the new field type in src/components/fields. Either:
    1. Clone one of the existing field directories. Make sure to update config.type and in the index.ts file.
    2. Create an empty directory. In that directory, create an index.ts file that default exports the constant config and implements the interface IFieldConfig.
  3. Use the withRenderTableCell() higher-order component to render your table cells. It takes a Display Cell to display values and an Editor Cell to edit values.

Step 2: Build your Display Cell

Display Cells strictly only display the cell’s value. These are also displayed when the column is disabled/read-only.

  1. Create a component that takes IDisplayCellProps.

    • Keep this component lightweight, i.e. use base HTML or simple MUI components. Avoid Tooltip, which is heavy.

    • Avoid displaying disabled states (e.g. do not reduce opacity/grey out toggles). This improves the experience of read-only tables for non-admins.

    • If you use row data (excluding the current field), make sure to pass the usesRowData option to withRenderTableCell()


      Make sure the disabled state does not render the buttons to open a popover EditorCell (like Single/Multi Select).


      Make sure to use the tabIndex prop for buttons and other interactive elements.

Step 3: Build your Editor Cell

Editor Cells are used to take user input and update the cell’s value. They are displayed when:

  1. focus (default): the user has focused on the cell by pressing Enter or double-clicking,
  2. inline: always displayed if the cell is editable, or
  3. popover: inside a popover when a user has focused on the cell (as above) or clicked a button rendered by Display Cell

You can set when they are displayed for your field type using the editorMode parameter in withRenderTableCell().

  1. Create a component that takes IEditorCellProps.

  2. Use the value and onChange props for your input component. The Table will store the user input locally. Avoid creating another local state in your cell component.

    • By default, the value is saved when the component unmounts (user removes focus from cell) and the user has changed the value.


      If the Editor Cell is displayed inline, you must call onSubmit to save the value to the database, because it never unmounts.

    Alternatively, you can pass null to withRenderTableCell() to always display the Display Cell.


Make sure to use the tabIndex prop for buttons and other interactive elements.


You can reuse your Side Drawer field (next step) as they take the same props. It should probably be displayed in a popover.

Step 4: Build your Side Drawer field

This component is displayed in the Side Drawer for this field type. Visually, it looks a form field.

  1. Create a component that takes ISideDrawerFieldProps.
  2. Use the value and onChange props for your input component. The Side Drawer will store the user input locally. Avoid creating another local state in your cell component.
  3. Call the onSubmit prop when you’re ready to save the value to the database. Typically, this is called onBlur.
    • You can call it even if the user hasn’t changed the value. The Side Drawer tracks if the user has interacted with your input.
Use standard field styles

You can use fieldSx to get the standard field styles, if you’re not using an MUI TextField:

import { fieldSx } from "@src/components/SideDrawer/utils";
import { spreadSx } from "@src/utils/ui";


{ ...your styles here },

Step 5: Export the field config

When you’re ready to test your new field type, export the code and field config.

  1. Import the field code directory in src/components/fields/index.tsx.
  2. Export the config as part of the FIELDS constant.
  3. Create a new column in a table with your new field type.