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Rowy Run

Rowy Run is group of Cloud Run services that provides backend functionality, such as derivatives, action scripts, webhooks, user management, and easy Cloud Function deployment.

It operates exclusively on your GCP project, so we never have access to any of your data. Like the Rowy App, it is Rowy Run is open source on Github

We highly recommend that you setup Rowy and Rowy Run using the guided setup process here. This gives you guided deployment process to ensure you are setup correctly as well as provide automatic updates with latest features.

Once you create an account and setup Rowy, you can install Rowy Run from the project settings page.

Rowy Run Setup

Manual install Rowy Run

Important note
  • Manual install of Rowy Run will not get automatic updates for which we recommend the option above. Also, we do not provide support for manual install of Rowy Run. This option is only recommended if you want to develop and contribute to the Rowy project.
  • Rowy run backend uses telemetry information for bug tracking and to improve the product
  • Before starting, make sure you have a Google Cloud or Firebase project with Firestore and Firebase Authentication enabled, and upgraded to the Blaze Plan.

Don’t have a project? Learn how to create one 

Required software
  1. Enable the Cloud Run Admin API in the Google Cloud console
    Make sure you have billing enabled first.

  2. Make sure you’ve initialized the gcloud CLI and signed in to the correct account.

    gcloud init
  3. go To GCP Cloud Console IAM

  • Add service account assign it the following roles:
logging.viewer // provide access to logs for the frontend
logging.logWriter // log events such as auditing
iam.serviceAccountUser //used for cloud function deployment
artifactregistry.admin //used for cloud function deployment
cloudbuild.builds.builder //used for cloud function deployment
actions.Admin //used for cloud function deployment
cloudfunctions.admin //used for cloud function deployment
secretmanager.viewer // view secretmanager metadata, such as secret Names for IDE validation
firebaseauth.admin //used for managing user roles
datastore.user // access to firestore
storage.objectAdmin // access to storage
secretmanager.secretAccessor // access to secrets for actionScripts
  • Add service account assign it the following roles:
datastore.user // access to firestore
storage.objectAdmin // access to storage
secretmanager.secretAccessor // access to secrets for actionScripts
logging.logWriter // access to cloud logs
  1. Deploy cloud run services using your terminal
gcloud run deploy rowy-backend --image --platform managed --memory 1Gi --allow-unauthenticated --service-account
gcloud run deploy rowy-hooks --image --platform managed --memory 256Mi --allow-unauthenticated --service-account
Required project Id

Don't forget to replace "YOUR_PROJECT_ID" field with your actual firebase project Id.

  1. Once deployment is completed you should be able to find the service urls printed in the console.logs

Go to firestore console and navigate to _rowy_/settings document add the following keys
